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Enrique Mendoza-López

Enrique Mendoza-López

Medicine School of Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey


Pediatric Work full time in the Clínica Nova de MonterreyA.C. de march 1978-1989.Neonatology work in the NICU for the same Clinic And the Hospital Clínica y Maternidad Conchita, de marzo 1978-1989, Pediatric Private Practice since march of 1978 to today April 2021. Professor of Parasitology Micology in the Pediatric Training in Hospital Clínica Maternidad-Christus Muguerza, since 1994-2016. Attached Professor of Hospital San José Tec de Monterrey. Since 1990. Professor of Course CAALMA (Breastfeeding Support Course) since 20 years. President of Aprolam, Monterrey N.L. (Pro Breastfeeding Association) Webmaster, CONAPEME 2008-2021 (CONFEDERACION NACIONAL DE PEDIATRÍA DE MEXICO. Coordinator of Pediatric Seminar Ciberpeds-Conapeme 2008 to today 2021.

Research Interest
